In addition to his just announced shows with The Aints! Ed Kuepper will also take to the road for a series of regional dates as he starts preparing material for a new solo album.
I'm hitting the road again this September and doing a pretty select number of mainly solo shows [mainly solo because there is a good chance of some very special guests popping up from time to time]. I'll be debuting a swag of new material which will hopefully see light of day on my planned next solo album ''Electricity, the High Priest of all Security'' plus pulling apart some familiar and some not so familiar tunes from my past catalogue to see what makes it all tick… I'm looking forward to it. Hope to see you there.
Former ARIA award winner, Saint, Laughing Clown and owner of some fifty + albums bearing his name Ed Kuepper will take in first time appearances at Red Hill and Old Bar as well as the less frequented Castlemaine, Bellingen, Katoomba and more.
Tickets $40 plus BF (seated) | $30 plus BF (standing) available HERE | 9PM Start