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Lydia Cole + Mimi Gilbert + Matthew Colin

Lydia Cole has been living in Berlin since the release of her 2017 album The Lay of the Land. In this time she has been performing throughout Europe and the UK, where audiences have received her with great warmth.

"In these new environments I've become reacquainted with that feeling of complete vulnerability, both on and off stage." she reflects.
On stage her new bandmate Timothy Armstrong gently adds harmony, rhythm and texture.

Joining them on this southern string of shows is the captivating California-born songwriter Mimi Gilbert, who these days calls Melbourne home.

After a run of SOLD OUT shows in New Zealand and before stopping briefly in Melbourne (Notcote Social Club) on the way back to Berlin, Matthew Colin has invited them to Castlemaine for a really special and intimate evening.

"Where other similarly inspired artists hide behind metaphors and their faults, Cole is not afraid to expose her soul and shines with restraint and sincerity on record and stage.”
- Carsten Wohlfeld,

TICKETS $10 on the door | 8pm